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Night of Power

In The Name of Allah The Beneficent, The Merciful

“Surely We revealed it on the Night of Majesty (Laila-tul-Qadr). And what will make thee comprehend what the Night of Majesty is? The Night of Majesty is better than a thousand months. The angels and the Spirit descend in it by the permission of their Lord for every affair. Peace! It is till the rising of the morning.”

~ Chapter 97, Al-Qadr (The Majesty), Verses 1-5

As Salaam Alaikum & Ramadan Mubarak! We pray this message reaches you in the best of spirit and health. Join us this Friday, April 5th, at 5PM PT, at Mosque Maryam National Center as we observe the Night of Power! Our LIVE National webcast begins at 5PM PT at During these last 10 days of the Holy Month of Ramadan, we seek nearness to Allah in fellowship with the believing family in devotion to commemorate the revelation of the Holy Quran.

Our National webcast will begin at 5:00PM PT with Opening words, reflections, and Maghrib prayer. On the completion of Maghrib prayer we will then have an intermission of the webcast to gather for Iftar. We then will resume the National Webcast at 7PM PT for ‘Isha prayer and Night Prayers (Tarawih).

Let us gather our families and community of believers and tune in for a blessed spiritual refreshment as we come to the end of this Blessed Month.

March 31

Weekly Sunday Lecture: The Risen Messiah(s)

April 7

Weekly Sunday Lecture - Part 12: The Trial of the Modern Day Jesus